Advanced RF Acceleration

Traditional linear accelerators use resonant modes in conducting copper cavities at radiofrequency (RF) frequencies to accelerate electrons to high energies. At PBPL we study advanced RF structures to increase accelerating gradients and improve beam figures of merit.

PBPL is experienced with the design and fabrication of RF cavity structures, in particular S-band photoinjector guns but also several models of plane-wave transformer linac and a deflection cavity under development. Standard electromagnetic codes (such as SUPERFISH and HFSS) are used to refine the designs, and the availability of advanced machining capability at the Physics Department Machine Shop allows the PBPL to manufacture its own components. The PBPL group was central to the design of the now-standard 1.6 cell 2856-MHz RF gun, in use at BNL-ATF and SLAC as well as the UCLA Neptune lab, and the electrical performance of these guns continues to be improved via cathode development and increased resistance to breakdown.

Ultra High Gradient Cryogenic RF

Recent studies of rf breakdown physics in cryogenic copper X-band accelerating structures have shown a dramatic increase in the operating gradient while maintaining low breakdown rates. The TOPGUN project, a collaboration between UCLA, SLAC, and INFN, will use this improvement in gradient to create an ultra-high brightness cryogenic normal conducting photoinjector. The brightness is expected to be higher by a factor of 25 relative to the LCLS photogun. This improvement in the brightness will lead to increased performance of X-Ray free electron lasers (FELs) and ultrafast electron diffraction devices.

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CrYogenic Brightness-Optimized Radiofrequency Gun (CYBORG)

Producing higher brightness beams at the cathode is one of the main focuses for future electron beam applications. For photocathodes operating close to their emission threshold, the cathode lattice temperature begins to dominate the minimum achievable intrinsic emittance. At UCLA, we are designing a radiofrequency (RF) test bed for measuring the temperature dependence of the mean transverse energy (MTE) and quantum efficiency for a number of candidate cathode materials. We intend to quantify the attainable brightness improvements at the cathode from cryogenic operation and establish a proof-of-principle cryogenic RF gun for future studies of a 1.6-cell cryogenic photoinjector for the UCLA ultra compact XFEL concept (UC-XFEL). The test bed will use a C-band 0.5-cell RF gun designed to operate down to 45 K, producing an on-axis accelerating field of 120 MV/m. The cryogenic system uses conduction cooling and a load-lock system is being designed for transport and storage of air-sensitive high brightness cathodes.

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Hybrid Photoinjector

UCLA/INFN-LNF/Univ. Rome has been developing the hybrid gun which has an RF gun and a short linac for velocity bunching in one structure. After the cavity was manufactured at INFN-LNF in 2012, tests of the gun was carried out at UCLA. The field in the standing wave part was 20% smaller than the simulation but the phase advance was fine. The cavity was commissioned successfully up to 13 MW. The beam test was performed at 11.5 MW and demonstrated the bunch compression.

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Ka Band Linearizer

There is a strong demand for accelerating structures able to achieve higher gradients and more compact dimensions for the next generation of linear accelerators for research, industrial and medical applications.

Notably innovative technologies will permit compact and affordable advanced accelerators as the linear collider and X-ray free-electron lasers (XFELs) with accelerating gradients over twice the value achieved with current technologies. In particular XFELs are able to produce coherent X-ray pulses with peak brightness 10 orders of magnitude greater than preceding approaches, which has revolutionized numerous research fields through imaging of the nanoscopic world at the time and length scale of atom-based systems, that is of femtosecond and Angstrom. There is a strong interest for combining these two fields, to form a proper tool with the goal of producing a very compact XFEL in order to investigate multi-disciplinary topics in chemistry, biology, materials science, medicine and physics.

In the framework of the Ultra-Compact XFEL project under study at the University of California, Los Angeles, a high gradient radio-frequency accelerating structure for the longitudinal phase-space linearization with an integrated voltage of at least 15 MV working on 6th harmonic of the main Linac frequency is required. We here present the electromagnetic design of a cryogenic normal-conducting 8 cm long Ka-band standing-wave linearizer working on mode with a target accelerating gradient beyond 100 MV/m. The studies have been performed analytically and numerically to investigate the beam dynamics and electromagnetic issues.